Santiago Marcos Melendez

Monday, March 26, 2007

Sing That Song and "Which one?"

Santiago truly enjoys singing his ABC's. He even has a fast "robot" version of the song. He strums the guitar with confidence and looks like an experience guitar player while swaying, nodding and singing "The Hello Song" from his music class. His repertoires includes "Itsy Bitsy Spider" (he prefers the "Insy Binsy" variation), "This Old Man," "One Little Owl," and all the ditties from Gymboree.

Current conversation with Santiago is punctuated with "which one."

M: Santiago we are going to Amy's to get ice cream.
S: Which one?
M: The Amy's down the street?
S: Which street?
M: The one in front of this store?
S: Which store?

A note from Mom: Yesterday, while walking through the neighborhood, I found myself explaining what a water sprinkler and a lawn mover do and why would people spend resources on watering their lawns only to have to spend energy to cut the grass down. You think that Al Gore will give Santiago's question a slide in his power point presentation? Reader, you will be reminded that Santiago and Al go way back when they were hanging out at Dan Rather's condo together nine months ago.


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