Santiago Marcos Melendez

Friday, April 23, 2010

First Lost Tooth

We have big news, Santiago lost his first tooth yesterday. He is excited!

Last night at bedtime we had a little ceremony. We lit a small, white candle. Ed and I read a poem (below) and Santiago put his tooth into a pouch and tucked it under his pillow. In the night the tooth fairy visited, blew out the candle and transformed his tooth into treasures: a coin, a blue star, a purple stone and a gold nugget (for abundance, wishes, bravery & knowledge).

It was quiet magical and now Santiago has tons of questions about the Tooth Fairy: What does she look like? Is there one tooth fairy or several for different parts of the world? She wears white and carries a wand and there is only one tooth fairy who doesn't follow time like us so she can fly through out the world in one night -- just like Santa

The poem...
I see you've lost your little tooth,
The pearly one that's been so loose,
I'll fly tonight on fairy wings
And come to you while soft you dream.

I'll take your tiny gift in hand
And fly away to fairy land
Where fairies all rejoice with you
And marvel at how fast your grew!

In exchange I'll leave a treasure
To amuse and bring you pleasure
And to remind you as you grow
To claim the magic that makes you bold!


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