Santiago Marcos Melendez

Friday, December 15, 2006

A Day in the Life of Santiago

Santiago and Mom wake up between 5:30 and 7 o'clock. Dad has already gotten up and is off to school. The morning always starts with this conversation:
S: Milk
M: You would like milk?
S: Yummy
M: Okay
S: Mom
M: Yes
S: Coffee?
M: Mom's going to get coffee too?
S: Yummy

After breakfast Mom and Santiago set off for playdate, errands or music class. Santiago's favorite errand is going to the grocery, or "ding-ding store." There is a gas station type bell that cars roll over at the exit of the grocery's garbage that Santiago really likes and talks about through out the day. Santiago always gets a slice of fresh bread and stops at the Putamaya listening station for a brief jam. Santiago can now match the artwork on the cds to that on the listening station directory. No trip to the grocery store would be complete without a declaration of "Brrr" in the diary isle. Santiago carries the entire transaction at the cashier out. He can swipe the credit card, push the correct button on the card reader, sign the receipt, ask the cashier for stickers and say bye-bye.

Santiago is singing now. He likes the "Horse Song," which is the opening song to the musical _Guys and Dolls_.

I've got the horse right here, his names is Paul Revere, and this guy says that if the weather's clear, can do, can do...

Santiago joins in with all the can do's. He also can sing the first line of "The Wheels on the Bus." And joins in with an appropriately placed "Who?" in "The Audubon Zoo."

He's waking up more later...


So much to catch up on...

I see that it has been a long time since my last post. In two months so much has happened in Santiago's life. He turned two. His language skills are exploding, his play skills are evolving and his routines are setting in. Forgive my long absence from updates. -- Mom