Santiago Marcos Melendez

Monday, March 26, 2007

Sing That Song and "Which one?"

Santiago truly enjoys singing his ABC's. He even has a fast "robot" version of the song. He strums the guitar with confidence and looks like an experience guitar player while swaying, nodding and singing "The Hello Song" from his music class. His repertoires includes "Itsy Bitsy Spider" (he prefers the "Insy Binsy" variation), "This Old Man," "One Little Owl," and all the ditties from Gymboree.

Current conversation with Santiago is punctuated with "which one."

M: Santiago we are going to Amy's to get ice cream.
S: Which one?
M: The Amy's down the street?
S: Which street?
M: The one in front of this store?
S: Which store?

A note from Mom: Yesterday, while walking through the neighborhood, I found myself explaining what a water sprinkler and a lawn mover do and why would people spend resources on watering their lawns only to have to spend energy to cut the grass down. You think that Al Gore will give Santiago's question a slide in his power point presentation? Reader, you will be reminded that Santiago and Al go way back when they were hanging out at Dan Rather's condo together nine months ago.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Spring in Austin

After a very brief winter, but one that included an ice storm that shut down the city for three days, Spring has arrived in Austin. The leaves are coming out and the grass is a beautiful shade of yellow green. We've made our first trip to Barton Springs sans swimming. Mom has bought a bike and a trailer with every intention to pedal to the pools, music class and playgroups this season. The trailer is still on order but the helmets have been purchased. Santiago sports his helmet decorated with racing flames proudly.

Transportation still holds great interest for Santiago. He loves to ride the miniture train in Zilker Park. He is thrilled when he sees a train running down the neutral ground on Mo-Pac (a hightway we find ourselves on often). He loves to play with his trains. (Thanks Francis and Leo!) The garbage truck will stop all activity at his playgroup with Asa, Aman, Jacob & Sam. The five boys will run to the window and press their noses again the glass.

Here are some good Spring photos of Santiago's world. The Kite Festival...riding the tractor with Grandad...planting radishes at Grandmom's house. Happy Spring everyone.

If life was a 70's sitcom

There was "Whatz you talking about, Willis?" and Squiggies' "Hello." In Santiago's life there is "Maybe yes. Maybe no." At the strangest times when Mom & Dad are trying to decide something or when Mom is given Santiago instructions for a task, out comes a drawling, "Maybe yes. Maybe no."

It's been a while...again

Time has flown by and so have the ways of Santiago. He is quite a story teller now though you have to have a thrill for detail to truly enjoy one of his stories. Here is a recent story that he told Grandmom about going to see a band play downtown during South by Southwest.

"We got in the car. Uhum. Turned left. Uhum. When up a hill. Yeah. Saw music. Uhum."

Here's a photo of Santiago and Dad that afternoon outside City Hall where we watched a couple of bands. Uhum.